Two service options, so that, whatever your situation may be, it suits you.


In - Person Service

Design process main steps.

Measurement Taking

Visit to take measurements in the areas to be worked on.


Furniture shops visits to further define the clients vision and for the selection of furniture.


Creation and submission of budget, plans and presentation.

Order & Delivery

Order, delivery and assembly of furniture management.


Remote Service

Accessible to everyone. 

Thanks to today's advancements, where we can connect on a global level, I can offer a simple service that can make a big difference. All the studio needs are plans and photos of the space, and from there, the design will be created with the goal of transforming it into the perfect place.

2D & 3D

A 2D plan of the proposal and a 3D rendering of an area to aid in understanding the concept.


Unlimited visual presentations of the proposal until the right one is found, along with a list of the pieces with brands and models.


Selection of primary materials with samples chosen by the interior designer.

Order & Delivery

Ordering from suppliers and/or distributors and managing delivery.